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Persisted Queries

The Relay compiler supports persisted queries. This is useful because:

  • The client operation text becomes just an md5 hash which is usually shorter than the real query string. This saves upload bytes from the client to the server.

  • The server can now whitelist queries which improves security by restricting the operations that can be executed by a client.

You’ve the possibility to persist the queries:

  • Remote: using a sever endpoint that will process and identify the queries.

  • Local: using a local file where the compiler will write a map for the queries.

Take a look to the Greetings example and the difference of the compiled output:

* @generated SignedSource<<13cc28d6173216c5c2051e50cb5b41e1>>
* @lightSyntaxTransform
* @nogrep

/* eslint-disable */

'use strict';

var node = (function () {
var v0 = [
defaultValue: null,
kind: 'LocalArgument',
name: 'name',
v1 = [
alias: null,
args: [
kind: 'Variable',
name: 'name',
variableName: 'name',
kind: 'ScalarField',
name: 'greetings',
storageKey: null,
return {
fragment: {
argumentDefinitions: v0 /*: any*/,
kind: 'Fragment',
metadata: null,
name: 'GreetingsQuery',
selections: v1 /*: any*/,
type: 'Query',
abstractKey: null,
kind: 'Request',
operation: {
argumentDefinitions: v0 /*: any*/,
kind: 'Operation',
name: 'GreetingsQuery',
selections: v1 /*: any*/,
params: {
cacheID: 'df17284c16608f10e79c40f215176912',
id: null,
metadata: {},
name: 'GreetingsQuery',
operationKind: 'query',
text: 'query GreetingsQuery(\n $name: String!\n) {\n greetings(name: $name)\n}\n',

node.hash = '8100c9379a13b8b002da3186b76f05d6';
export default node;

For more information, read the docs here and here.