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We’ll guide you through the thought process of building a real world application that will allow us to deep dive into the GraphQL ecosystem.


Before getting started, bear in mind that we assume some level of familiarity with:

Links to training resources

The list above contains links to training resources that might be useful and a great place to get started.

If you’re new to this ecosystem, don’t panic! You don’t have to be an expert. We’ll share with you some tips and walk through hands-on examples to cover most of the basic and advanced features.


  1. Open the integrated terminal in Visual Studio Code by selecting View > Terminal or by selecting Ctrl+. On a Mac, select Cmd+ instead.

  2. Check if you’ve already intalled Git version 2.13 or higher:

    git --version

    Otherwise you’ll need to install it, Git v2.

  3. Check if you’ve already installed Node.js version 16.10 or higher:

    node --version

    Otherwise you’ll need to install it, Node.js LTS.

  4. Check if you’ve already installed Yarn:

    yarn --version

    Otherwise you’ll need to install it, Yarn Modern:

    corepack enable
  5. You’ll need Visual Studio Code or similar IDE.


We’ll use a starter project so we can begin writing code quickly. The starter contains the minimum structure we need to start developing a React/Relay application by using Next.js. It includes some prebuilt utilities (e.g., components, hooks, utils) so we can focus on the data integration and some technical details in place of the look and feel.

Open a terminal or command window and run the following commands:

  1. Clone the repository.

    git clone
  2. Move into the folder containing the frontend code.

    cd workshops/crypto/frontend
  3. Install the required packages.

  4. Open the directory in Visual Studio Code.

    code .


Let’s explore the folders and files in the starter project:

├─ .proactive/
├─ assets/
├─ components/
├─ config/
├─ hooks/
├─ icons/
├─ public/
├─ styles/
├─ utils/
├─ ...
├─ next.config.js
└─ package.json

As mentioned above, some of the folders contain prebuilt utilities (e.g., assets, components, config, hooks, icons, public, styles, utils), there are also some configuration files to setup the tooling environment (e.g., git, prettier, next).

Don’t worry, we’ll discover the others alongside the examples.


The purpose of these examples is to introduce some topics and use them as a guide throughout the workshop. You’ll find them in the folder playground.

We’ll guide you step-by-step and we’ll iterate several times to cover each topic.


We’ll reuse the same prebuilt utilities (e.g., components, hooks, utils) and configurations for all the examples.

In order to prepare the workspace for an example we’ll copy some folders (e.g., client, generated, pages, scenes, schema) into the root using the following command:

# for the kick-off
yarn goto --initial
# or
yarn goto playground/0-initial

# for the first example (`.n` for multi-step)
yarn goto playground/1-hello.1

# for your own sandbox
yarn goto playground/mysandbox

# for the full app
yarn goto --final
# or
yarn goto playground/X-final

You can also print more details about this command by calling:

yarn goto --help

It’ll print something like:

ㅤgoto {--initial | --final | --source=PLAYGROUND_SUBFOLDER}

--initial Initial sandbox [boolean]
--final Final sandbox [boolean]
--source Path to content folder [string]

goto --initial
goto playground/1-hello.1
goto playground/mysandbox
goto --final

The examples are completely independent and not interconnected in any way. It is important to note that any modifications made to one example will not carry over when switching to another. Additionally, please be aware that the changes are neither stored nor saved, so it is recommended to save your modifications externally if needed.

Preflight Checklist

  1. Open the integrated terminal in Visual Studio Code by selecting View > Terminal or by selecting Ctrl+. On a Mac, select Cmd+ instead.

  2. Use the goto script to setup the sandbox:

    yarn goto --initial
    # or
    yarn goto playground/0-initial
  3. Use the following command to start the Next.js development server:

    yarn dev
  4. Open your browser and visit http://localhost:3000. You should see the message “Keep Calm and Carry On.”.

Awesome! Cleared for takeoff. Let’s go ahead.